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Commit 222a9eff authored by Yann Roberge's avatar Yann Roberge
Browse files

Implémenté le nuage Predecode

parent 1d32879d
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......@@ -23,8 +23,7 @@ use work.riscv_pkg.all;
entity riscv_decode is
port (
-- Entrées provenant de l'étage FETCH
i_instruction : in std_logic_vector(XLEN-1 downto 0);
i_pc : in std_logic_vector(XLEN-1 downto 0);
i_fetch_reg : in fetch_reg;
-- Entrées provenant de l'étage WRITE-BACK
i_wr_addr : in std_logic_vector(REG_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
......@@ -38,23 +37,23 @@ entity riscv_decode is
i_rstn : in std_logic;
i_clk : in std_logic;
-- Sortie
o_rs1_data : out std_logic_vector(XLEN-1 downto 0);
o_rs2_data : out std_logic_vector(XLEN-1 downto 0);
-- Sorties
rs1_data : out std_logic_vector(XLEN-1 downto 0);
rs2_data : out std_logic_vector(XLEN-1 downto 0);
o_shamt : out std_logic_vector(SHAMT_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
o_arith : out std_logic;
o_sign : out std_logic;
o_jump : out std_logic;
o_branch : out std_logic;
o_pc : out std_logic_vector(XLEN-1 downto 0);
o_imm : out std_logic_vector(XLEN-1 downto 0));
o_decode_reg : out decode_reg);
end entity riscv_decode;
architecture beh of riscv_decode is
-- Signaux internes Predecode
signal opcode : std_logic_vector(OPCODE_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
signal funct3 : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
signal funct7 : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0);
signal rs1_addr : std_logic_vector(REG_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
signal rs2_addr : std_logic_vector(REG_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
signal rd : std_logic_vector(REG_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
-- opcode funct3 funct7 rs1 rs2
-- jump
-- branch
......@@ -65,13 +64,173 @@ architecture beh of riscv_decode is
-- shamt
-- arith
-- sign
signal jump : std_logic;
signal branch : std_logic;
signal alu_opcode : std_logic_vector(ALUOP_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
signal sign : std_logic;
signal imm : std_logic_vector(XLEN-1 downto 0);
alias instruction is i_fetch_reg.instruction;
-- Predecode
-- Décompose les signaux en fonction de leurs types (opcodes)
opcode <= i_fetch_reg.instruction(OPCODE_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
process (opcode) is
case opcode is
-- FIXME: Le code répété
funct7 <= instruction(31 downto 25);
rs2_addr <= instruction(24 downto 20);
rs1_addr <= instruction(19 downto 15);
funct3 <= instruction(14 downto 12);
rd <= instruction(11 downto 7);
-- Instanciation du Register File
funct7 <= instruction(31 downto 25);
rs2_addr <= instruction(24 downto 20);
rs1_addr <= instruction(19 downto 15);
funct3 <= instruction(14 downto 12);
rd <= instruction(11 downto 7);
-- FIXME: Le code répété
when OPCODE_LW =>
funct7 <= (others => '0');
rs2_addr <= (others => '0');
rs1_addr <= instruction(19 downto 15);
funct3 <= instruction(14 downto 12);
rd <= instruction(11 downto 7);
funct7 <= (others => '0');
rs2_addr <= (others => '0');
rs1_addr <= instruction(19 downto 15);
funct3 <= instruction(14 downto 12);
rd <= instruction(11 downto 7);
when OPCODE_SW =>
funct7 <= (others => '0');
rs2_addr <= instruction(24 downto 20);
rs1_addr <= instruction(19 downto 15);
funct3 <= instruction(14 downto 12);
rd <= (others => '0');
when OPCODE_BEQ =>
funct7 <= (others => '0');
rs2_addr <= instruction(24 downto 20);
rs1_addr <= instruction(19 downto 15);
funct3 <= instruction(14 downto 12);
rd <= (others => '0');
when OPCODE_LUI =>
funct7 <= (others => '0');
rs2_addr <= (others => '0');
rs1_addr <= (others => '0');
funct3 <= (others => '0');
rd <= instruction(11 downto 7);
when OPCODE_JAL =>
funct7 <= (others => '0');
rs2_addr <= (others => '0');
rs1_addr <= (others => '0');
funct3 <= (others => '0');
rd <= instruction(11 downto 7);
-- Unsupported instructions
when others =>
funct7 <= (others => '0');
rs2_addr <= (others => '0');
rs1_addr <= (others => '0');
funct3 <= (others => '0');
rd <= (others => '0');
end case;
end process predecode;
-- Gestion des valeurs immédiates
immediate : process (opcode)
case opcode is
-- FIXME: Le code répété
when OPCODE_LW =>
imm(31 downto 11) <= (others => instruction(31));
imm(10 downto 5) <= instruction(30 downto 25);
imm(4 downto 1) <= instruction(24 downto 21);
imm(0) <= instruction(20);
imm(31 downto 11) <= (others => instruction(31));
imm(10 downto 5) <= instruction(30 downto 25);
imm(4 downto 1) <= instruction(24 downto 21);
imm(0) <= instruction(20);
when OPCODE_SW =>
imm(31 downto 11) <= (others => instruction(31));
imm(10 downto 5) <= instruction(30 downto 25);
imm(4 downto 1) <= instruction(11 downto 8);
imm(0) <= instruction(7);
when OPCODE_BEQ =>
imm(31 downto 12) <= (others => instruction(31));
imm(11) <= instruction(7);
imm(10 downto 5) <= instruction(30 downto 25);
imm(4 downto 1) <= instruction(11 downto 8);
imm(0) <= '0';
when OPCODE_LUI =>
-- FIXME: Pourquoi pas avoir compacté les 2 lignes suivantes
-- à la figure 3 de l'énoncé?
imm(31) <= instruction(31);
imm(30 downto 20) <= instruction(30 downto 20);
imm(19 downto 12) <= instruction(19 downto 12);
imm(11 downto 0) <= (others => '0');
when OPCODE_JAL =>
imm(31 downto 20) <= (others => instruction(31));
imm(19 downto 12) <= instruction(19 downto 12);
imm(11) <= instruction(20);
imm(10 downto 5) <= instruction(30 downto 25);
imm(4 downto 1) <= instruction(24 downto 21);
imm(0) <= '0';
-- Unsupported instructions
when others =>
imm <= (others => '0');
end case;
end process immediate;
-- Instanciation du Register File
register_file: entity work.riscv_rf
port map (
i_clk => i_clk,
i_rstn => i_rstn,
i_we => i_we,
i_addr_ra => rs1_addr,
o_data_ra => rs1_data,
i_addr_rb => rs2_addr,
o_data_rb => rs2_data,
i_addr_w => i_wr_addr,
i_data_w => i_wr_data
-- Decode
......@@ -81,17 +240,14 @@ begin
o_rs1_data <= (others => '1');
o_rs2_data <= (others => '1');
o_shamt <= (others => '1');
o_arith <= '1';
o_sign <= '1';
o_decode_reg.shamt <= (others => '1');
o_decode_reg.arith <= '1';
o_decode_reg.sign <= '1';
o_jump <= '1';
o_branch <= '1';
o_pc <= (others => '1');
o_imm <= (others => '1');
o_decode_reg.jump <= '1';
o_decode_reg.branch <= '1';
o_decode_reg.pc <= (others => '1');
o_decode_reg.imm <= (others => '1');
-- Références:
-- Écrire le registre pointé
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