-- Project ELE8304 : Circuits intégrés à très grande échelle
-- File half_adder.vhd
-- Authors Titouan Luard <>
-- Yann Roberge <>
-- Lab GRM - Polytechnique Montreal
-- Date 2021-10-29
-- Brief Single-bit half-adder with carry out
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity half_adder is
port (
i_a : in std_logic;
i_b : in std_logic;
o_sum : out std_logic;
o_carry : out std_logic
end entity half_adder;
architecture beh of half_adder is
o_sum <= i_a xor i_b;
o_carry <= i_a and i_b;
end architecture beh;